Thursday, November 28, 2013

How to Avoid Dialysis and Cure Kidney Disease by Terry Cooksey

Do you have chronic kidney disease, or kidney stones ? Your doctor told you there is no cure, right ? Well, there is a cure ! And this book brings you the details of that cure so you can cure yourself.

This book gives you several ways to avoid dialysis AND the way to cure yourself of chronic kidney disease and kidney stones naturally as the author did !

This book is NOT about gimmicks. The cure for kidney disease is proven science that your doctors COULD tell you, but don't !

I bought terrys books and find them very helpful and with common sense as he write them....remember people doctors help you but dont cure you....i for one have seen that personally.....if you want to take the time and help yourself then you will see how this works...if you dont and just want to rely on the doctors for everything then you will not be helping this day and age you must take your own health care into your own hands...i thank you terry for being so compassoniate and sharing your experiences and sucess with others...kuddos to you terry....hugs to you...anne

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